Ray-finned fish that typically lives in open shallow water away from the shore
Scientific Name: Euthynnus affinis
Common Name: Kawakawa (Mackerel Tuna),
Dimensions: Reaches a length of about 100 cm, with a weight of at least 12 kg
Medium: model
Registration Number: RPN.2018.0062.1
The mackerel tuna has a streamlined, fusiform body shape that is somewhat compressed, ranging from almost round to oval in cross-section. Its tail region has a thin caudal peduncle, supported by a central keel along its sides that continues onto the base of the tail fin, flanked by two smaller keels. It exhibits an iridescent blue or blue-green color on its upper side and features slanting dark bands that appear on the scaleless area of its back. Additionally, it typically has one to a few dark spots located between its pectoral and pelvic fins.
Habitat and Biology
The mackerel tuna is a coastal pelagic species often found in small schools. Its primary diet consists of small fish, particularly clupeoids, as well as squids and larger zooplankton. It serves as prey for larger predators such as tunas, billfishes, and sharks. The kawakawa is found around Qatar’s offshore oil platforms where it spawns between May and August. Its eggs serve as a food source for whale sharks, meaning the two are often seen together.
ECO System Qatar
Open Water: The temperatures of the Arabian Gulf waters exhibit significant variation. Hosting a diverse array of over 700 marine species, the Gulf is a habitat for notable creatures such as whale sharks, great hammerhead sharks, and kawakawa. Unfortunately, human activities pose a threat to Qatar's marine environments. Pollution and shoreline construction exert pressure on the Gulf's delicate ecosystems, placing some species at risk of extinction. Nevertheless, concerted efforts are underway to preserve and protect Qatar's invaluable marine habitats.
Freyhof, Jörg & Els, Johannes & Feulner, Gary & Hamidan, Nashat & Krupp, Friedhelm. (2020). Freshwater Fishes of the Arabian Peninsula.